Patna, March 2 (IANS) Addressing a large gathering during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's rally in Aurangabad on Saturday, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar expressed confidence that the NDA will cross the 400-seat mark in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
"I am pretty sure that the NDA will win 400 seats in the Lok Sabha elections and form the next government. I have great faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi. If development has taken place in Bihar, the credit goes to him," Kumar said at the rally in the presence of the Prime Minister and Bihar Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar.
Addressing PM Modi, the Bihar Chief Minister also said that "I am assuring you that I will not go here and there in the future".
"The JD-U had formed the government in Bihar with the help of BJP in 2005. Before that there was nothing in Bihar. No roads, no infrastructure... When our government was formed in 2005, we started the works and brought Bihar on the development path. Now, Bihar is developing at a rapid pace," Kumar said.
"I know that no one in the country can challenge the Prime Minister. The NDA will win 400 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections," Kumar said.
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