Wilmington, Dover, Newark Indian Community - DEIndian.com
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Historical Event on 7/21/1984

Terrorists breach Bhakra canal in Punjab.

Other Historical Dates and Events
12/23/1930The British governor of Punjab was wounded in an assassination attempt.
8/6/1962Peking agrees to talks with India to settle border disputes.
12/29/1949Syed Mujtaba Hussain Kirmani, cricketer (Indian keeper after Engineer), was born in Madras.
10/1/1854Postal stamp introduced in India. These lithographed stamps were of denominations of half anna and one anna. These stamps bore the Head of Queen Victoria with India at top and value at bottom. The half anna stamp was printed between May 5 to July 29 and printing of one anna stamp commenced on July 26.
9/30/1908Ram Dhari Singh Dinkar, famous Hindi novelist, was born.
11/1/1932Anadi Sankar Gupta, great educationist, was born at Goila, Bangladesh.
9/9/1993Narsimha Rao, Prime Minister, arrived in Seoul for a three-day visit.
4/12/1983Richard Attenborough's 'Gandhi' wins 8 Oscars.
8/14/1968Pravin Kalyan Amre, cricketer (Indian batsman, century on Test debut 1992), was born in Bombay.
3/31/1992Madhav Sinh Solanki, External Affairs minister, resigns on Bofors letter issue.